I’ve been invited to give a keynote talk at the inaugural Oscillations & Modulations conference/festival in Derry, 20-21st March 2018. I’ll be speaking on ‘The Influence of the Synthesiser & Drum Machine on Popular Music’
More details here: oscillationsandmodulations.wordpress.com
The high-tech carnival sideshow is back for the NI Science Festival at the Sonic Arts Research Centre, Queen’s University Belfast!
Part of SARC’s ‘Sound From Beyond’ showcase, you can find us in the lobby on Feb 17th: http://www.nisciencefestival.com/event.php?e=92
I was delighted to be invited to take part in this year’s CTM Festival in Berlin! Working with a diverse group of artists, musicians, engineers and choreographers we put together a showcase of performance works in an intense week of thinking, hacking and soaking up all that CTM had to offer.
Here’s ‘Ambit’, the piece created by Jennifer McClelland, Eldar Tagiev, Martjin Dirk Johling and myself.
“Ambit” explores the boundaries between our conscious thoughts and our primal emotions, breaking down the barriers between the audience and the performer.
Volunteers from the audience wear on-body sensors which detect physiological correlates of emotional state. They become the instrument, the interface to the computer and sound.
Dancers move the volunteers through different emotional states. These are used to drive the soundscape of the piece and trigger audio events, essentially ‘playing’ or ‘performing’ their emotions.
This year we got super hands-on with sound based ‘interactions’ that explain or visualised various aspects of sound, synthesis and electronics. From giant gongs to non-newtonian fluids dancing on a speaker participants can see, feel and shape sound in new ways.
So we’ve had some fun with this over the last few years at Electric Picnic festival!
Electro-myogram sensors pick up participants muscle tension and with a bit of Max/MSP wizardry controls the intensity of a series of light bulbs, all attached to our ol’ timey carnival attraction High Striker. Maximum flex to ring the bell!
It’s man vs. machine…step right up and test your strength!
TONITE folks! Launch party for Lady Grew’s remix package, 7″ & digital featuring mixes from Mad EP, Twoc, 2BiT etc. etc. etc.
King 7, Capel St., Dublin 10PM onwards… featuring a rare (these days) 2BiT liveset 🙂
Out now on Invisible Agent Records, 2BiTs bassbin bothering remix of Swarm Intelligence’s ‘On The Edge’. Lots more killer mixes on this release too from the likes of A-Force, Danseizure and more…go check!
Pressure proudly present representatives of some of Irelands biggest and best bass heavy underground electronic music club nights and record labels:
Lakker (Kaboogie)
A-Force & Lady Grew (Kaboogie/Ghetto Quietly)
Rob Dubculture (Dubculture)
There is simply TOO MUCH amazing stuff to say about this lineup of bass focused producers, label kingpins, to fit here….for the full lowdown check the info page below (just make sure you make it…this is one you don’t want to miss)
Gonna be dropping some back-to-mine styles this Thursday at This Island in the Menagerie, Belfast
FREE in n cheap drinks…plus funk, soul, tropicalia, ska, reggae n loads more. Expect dusty 7″s and rare grooves.